Steven Evangelista is a lifelong educator who is excited to be part of the momentous transition New York City schools are undertaking through the New York City Reads initiative. Prior to working at Teaching Matters, Steve taught elementary school grades in West Harlem and Central Harlem, and then co-founded Harlem Link Charter School and co-led it for 18 years. There Steve and his colleagues develop a unique approach to school leadership and teacher development, grounded in trust through relationship and community building, developmentally appropriate practice, and a commitment to meeting each child’s needs. While at Harlem Link, Steve oversaw the implementation of a series of programs, gradually developed to build investment and professional capacity to support this approach: Responsive Classroom (for building-wide Tier 1 instructional, management and school culture coherence); Emotionally Responsive Practices (for trauma sensitivity); a revamped social work team, vision and plan (to meet student and family needs more proactively); the Work of Play (a new vision for learning through play in early childhood classrooms); a Diversity and Social Justice committee (providing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training and knowledge for the school community); Universal Design for Learning (an inclusive approach to planning and pedagogy); and Specially Designed Instruction (a method of delivering instruction based on goals for students with special needs), among other initiatives.
Steve maintains passionate interests in civic engagement, American history and cultural studies. He is an active writer and a contributor to the Freedom Reach Literary Society. He is the devoted father of two children who attend New York City public schools.