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Why Teaching Matters

Across the nation, radically unequal schools define our education system. Our children are paying the price.

Our Mission

We work to close the opportunity gap of a radically unequal education system for under-served and historically marginalized children.

In New York City during the 2021-2022 school year, 45.5% of economically disadvantaged students achieved ELA proficiency, compared to 65.5% of students who live at or above the federal poverty level. Within that, 38.4% of Black and Latino students were proficient, as compared to 63.4% of White and Asian students. Further, only 14.6% of English language learners achieved reading proficiency.


More than just statistics, these numbers exemplify a startling reality: Many students—predominantly in low-income, Black, and Latino communities—are not receiving the support they need to advance to the next grade level, graduate, or simply feel engaged at school.

Our Vision

We envision a nation where every student has equitable access to excellent teaching, regardless of zip code.

Our Theory of Change

When educators have access to high-quality professional development resources and teaching strategies, students receive a better education. Delivered through structured coaching relationships and programming, we help school leaders and teachers reach their professional goals and foster inclusive and challenging learning communities where every student thrives.

1. Plan

We collaborate with each school to assess greatest strengths and needs.

4. Measure

We utilize student data from many sources to inform our work throughout the partnership, with an eye to equity.

2. Assess

We utilize student data from many sources to inform our work throughout the partnership, with an eye to equity.

5. Evaluate

We report the impact of our partnership and make
recommendations for the future.

3. Act

We coach teachers and leaders using research-based, culturally-responsive sustaining methods.

The Impact of Excellent Teaching

At Teaching Matters, we’ve worked alongside urban educators for decades. Our coaches work with school leaders to develop realistic but challenging professional development goals for educators and provide the support they need to become better teachers. As a result, educators are able to implement both innovative and sustainable teaching strategies that make a meaningful—and measurable—difference in the classroom.

Early Reading Outcomes

Improving Reading Skills

During the course of the 2020-22 school years, Teaching Matters implemented Jumpstart in 40 schools throughout Districts 9, 10, and 28 in NYC. Hundreds of kindergartners and 1st graders who were non-readers in February became readers in April after receiving our Jumpstart to Early Reading intervention – that’s nearly 83% of children who participated!

Over 25 Years of Student Success

We’ve worked alongside thousands of educators to advance teaching practices that foster challenging and joyful classroom communities where every student can thrive.


Schools Supported


Teachers trained


Students Impacted
Students Meeting Their Annual Growth Goal

Gains in Math Instruction

Improving Teacher Effectiveness

When we provided coaching for educators that was focused on “learning acceleration,” we found that teachers improved mastery of their practice—and those with the most observable improvement also had the highest percentage of students who then met their growth goals.

"Building the capacity and enhancing the skills of all our teachers is critically important work. I just want to thank Teaching Matters for all that they do."

David C. Banks

Chancellor of the New York City Department of Education

Our Services

Educators can work with our coaches one-on-one, in groups, or through structured programs to deepen their knowledge and cultivate student success. Our professional development services are focused in the following areas:


Help Us Close the Opportunity Gap

Your support helps us bring excellent teaching to more students.
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